《中国激光》 杂志社 051405-1 抖动激光陀螺谐振腔的热特性研究 兰佩锋 刘元正 王继良 徐宏财 西安飞行自动控制研究所, 陕西 西安 710065 摘要 激光陀螺高低温条件下所产生的热应力、 形变对其全温性能有重要影响。传统激光陀螺腔体设计重点关注谐振 腔的光学特性, 力学和热学特性研究较少。传统谐振腔结构设计主要采用经验公式与试验方法, 设计迭代次数较多, 设 计效率低。利用有限元分析方法对抖动激光陀螺谐振腔的主要结构参数与热特性的关系进行研究, 得到了谐振腔温度 场的分布, 以及谐振腔主要结构参数与谐振腔热应力、 热形变之间的关系曲线, 为抖动激光陀螺的谐振腔优化设计提供 了重要方法和指导性依据。该研究对提高抖动激光陀螺设计效率、 缩短设计周期、 降低成本有着重要意义。 关键词 光学器件; 激光陀螺; 有限元分析; 谐振腔; 热特性; 结构设计 中图分类号 TN249 文献标识码 AAbstract Thermal deformation and stress have an important influence on performance of ring laser gyroscopes (RLG) in high-low temperature. The traditional design methods of RLG are focus on optical performance of resonator more than mechanical and thermal performance. Generally, the traditional structural design of resonator is dependent on experienced equation and experiment, which result in more iterative design and lower efficiency. Relationship between thermal performance and structural parameters is studied by finite element (FE) method in resonator of mechanically dithered ring laser gyroscopes, the temperature field of resonator and relationship between thermal performance and structural parameters are obtained, which provide the resonator of mechanically dithered ring laser gyroscopes with significant and directive method. It has significance to improve efficiency, shorten hour and reduce cost.