In the present article, we follow up our recent work on the experimental assessment of two data-driven nonlinear system identification methodologies. The first methodology constructs a single nonlinear-mode model from periodic vibration data obtained under phase-controlled harmonic excitation. The second methodology constructs a state-space model with polynomial nonlinear terms from vibration data obtained under uncontrolled broadband random excitation. The conclusions drawn from our previous work (experimental) were limited by uncertainties inherent to the specimen, instrumentation, and signal processing. To avoid these uncertainties in the present work, we pursued a completely numerical approach based on synthetic measurement data obtained from simulated experiments. Three benchmarks are considered, which feature geometric, unilateral contact, and dry friction nonlinearity, respectively. As in our previous work, we assessed the prediction accuracy of the identified models with a focus on the regime near a particular resonance. This way, we confirmed our findings on the strengths and weaknesses of the two methodologies and derive several new findings: First, the state-space method struggles even for polynomial nonlinearities if the training data is chaotic. Second, the polynomial state-space models can reach high accuracy only in a rather limited range of vibration levels for systems with non-polynomial nonlinearities. Such cases demonstrate the sensitivity to training data inherent in the method, as model errors are inevitable here. Third, although the excitation does not perfectly isolate the nonlinear mode (exciter-structure interaction, uncontrolled higher harmonics, local instead of distributed excitation), the modal properties are identified with high accuracy.