The slowly varying amplitude approximation that is widely adopted in nonlinear optics is appraised by the transfer-matrix method. Rigorous solution for second harmonic generation in nonlinear optical superlattices shows that this approximation is invalid when the reflection of the second harmonic ͑SH͒ wave from the crystal interface cannot be neglected. When the modulation period of the superlattice is comparable to the wavelength of the SH wave, the approximation is far from accurate even if no reflection from the crystal interface occurs. The transfer-matrix method may provide a novel approach to investigate various nonlinear optical processes in superlattices in a precise way. ͓S0163-1829͑99͒13139-4͔Since the invention of lasers, nonlinear optics has been developed into a fascinating field of broadest scope and influential proponents. 1,2 Originated from experimental work by Franken and co-workers 3 and theoretical work by Bloembergen and co-workers, 4 this field now finds applications in many areas of sciences.The propagation of nonlinear waves in nonlinear crystals is governed by the coupled-wave equations, which are based on Maxwell's equations. 1 Understanding of fruitful nonlinear optical phenomena involves solving such complex nonlinear differential equations, a difficult task when one takes into account practical conditions in experiments. Thus in actual cases, several simplifying approximations are often made. 4,5 Among them are the slowly varying amplitude ͑SVA͒ approximation, the infinite plane-wave approximation, and constant pump intensity approximation. From a realistic experimental view point, some corrections were made. For instance, sum-frequency generation with high conversion efficiency beyond constant pump intensity approximation 1 and nonlinear processes excited by focused beams other than plane waves 6 were investigated in detail. However, little attention was paid to the SVA approximation. Although it was revealed in Ref. 1 that the physical implication of this approximation consisted in neglecting the oppositely propagating nonlinear wave, this conclusion remains qualitative and obscure. Quantitative and clear appraisal of this approximation is necessary.In this paper we will appraise the SVA approximation with use of the transfer matrix method. Our aim is to demonstrate the break down of the SVA approximation. Therefore, for concreteness, we focus our consideration on onedimensional ͑1D͒ nonlinear optical superlattices where the linear susceptibility is homogeneous, while second-order nonlinear susceptibility is modulated by alternate laminar domains with positive and negative polarizations. This can be accomplished in many ferroelectric crystals such as LiNbO 3 , LiTaO 3 , and KTiOPO 4 with patterned electrodes. The concept of Quasi-phase-matching 4,7,8 has been realized in such periodic and quasi-periodic superlattices to achieve harmonic generations and other nonlinear processes with high efficiency. [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] The schematic configuration of superlatt...