Abstract. Earthquake-proof buildings are earthquake disaster mitigation priority work. Earthquake building structure may be determined, according to the design response spectrum method for determining been widely used in seismic design of buildings structures. In this paper, the structure should be designed to avoid damage in the earthquake collapsed, but the study of structural collapse behavior conducive to a better understanding of the mechanism of structural collapse and find effective anti-collapse methods. This paper was developed to simulate the complex structure collapsed procedures, through the numerical results were compared with the test, indicating that the numerical model can simulate the structural members of a variety of extreme nonlinear behavior. The structure is replaced by an equivalent single degree of freedom system corresponding to each mode and each equivalent displacement is determined using the proposed method. Thus, the seismic safety evaluation plays an important role. In recent years, with the accumulation of mature safety evaluation theory and engineering experience, the safety assessment has made great progress.
Theoretical Introduction of Earthquake Response SpectrumEarthquake response spectrum can be widely applied in a single degree of freedom system, and can be decomposed into a modal method is applied to multi-degree of freedom system in seismic response. Due to post-structuralism into elastic-plastic response phase, the superposition principle no longer applies, and therefore, for most multi-degree of freedom system, application inelastic response spectra of seismic response analysis can only approximate displacement and performance evaluation structure, can't be considered high modes of influence.Research on the structure at this stage whether it is anti-progressive collapse of the entire structure from the global focus of the system, or from the details of the start node structure, and even research has a lot of progress from the failure mechanism inside, but we can find a lot of scholars using planar framework for analysis, not a plane frame, there are many linear static analysis, nonlinear dynamic analysis in recent years increasingly popular. As the height increases, lateral structure under lateral loads increases rapidly. Tall buildings vertical loads is accumulated in the vertical component from top to bottom layer by layer transfer, which will produce large axial deformation [1] . Therefore, the application of inelastic response spectra in engineering design is inelastic response spectra become standard design spectrum difficulties. Over half a century, many scholars have nonlinear seismic response of structures have done a lot of research, and made many useful insights. However, the current inelastic response spectra for research also can provide a major seismic design of this concept, and the relationship between the structure and the earthquake ground motion characteristics and structural dynamic parameters understanding. Tall building in central axial edge componen...