-In a framework within doctoral research study at the Valahia University from Targoviste and the National Institute for Research and Development for Mechatronics and Measurement Technique from Bucharest, with the aim to create a simple, reliable, mobile portable walking device, accessible both technical and financially, usable in natural walking conditions, and allowing to be obtained the objective and exploitable information to be found on the descriptive parameters of walking and energetic parameters, has created the idea of designing a tool to collect the information, of which the foot is capable to give during contact with the ground. If the measuring instrument could be in direct contact with the ground, then the main spatial-temporal parameters, the ground reaction forces and energy parameters could be analysed. Therefore, the need to propose a walking study based on the information and conclusions from the extensive documentation made previously appeared. If this tool could be placed in a footwear and be independent of any nearby analysis system, then it will be able to be used in natural walking conditions. Among other facilities related to the complex analysis of ground forces, a dynamic variation form during a friction coefficient step could be determined and represented, a parameter that provides much information on walking pathology or shoe quality and footprint quality. Some significant aspects and results will be highlighted in this article.