The acoustic detection of defects or leaks inside a cylindrical shell containing a fluid is of prime importance in the industry, particularly in the nuclear field. This paper examines the beamforming technique which is used to detect and locate the presence of an acoustic monopole inside a cylindrical elastic shell by measuring the external shell vibrations. In order to study the effect of fluid-structure interactions and the distance of the source from the array of sensors, a vibro-acoustic model of the fluid-loaded shell is first considered for numerical experiments. The beamforming technique is then applied to radial velocities of the shell calculated with the model. Different parameters such as the distance between sensors, the radial position of the source, the damping loss factor of the shell, or of the fluid, and modifications of fluid properties can be considered without difficulty. Analysis of these different results highlight how the behaviour of the fluid-loaded shell influences the detection.
PFinally, a test in a water-filled steel pipe is achieved for confirming experimentally the interest of the presented approach.
-IntroductionThe fast and reliable detection of acoustic sources in complex industrial cylinder systems is of capital interest since such sources can be the consequence of defects or leaks in the installation. In the nuclear field, for example, a leak in a Steam Generator Unit (SGU) of a sodium fast nuclear reactor induces a water-sodium reaction. This reaction can damage the component. The purpose of this paper is to study the possibility of using a passive vibroacoustic method to detect and locate the noise generated by a water-sodium reaction of leak rate inferior to 1 g H2O /s. Different studies focussing on active and passive detection techniques have been published in the past [1][2][3]. The paper written by Kim et al. [4] focusses on characterising the acoustic noise spectra of different water-into-sodium leaks for a small flow rates (<1 g H2O /s). Chikazawa [5] developed a beamforming method to detect a leak at a frequency of 10 kHz assuming that it emits a planar acoustic field. This assumption, which is reasonable in the high frequency domain, necessitates a high number of sensors to cover the whole steam generator. Sing and Rao [6] looked at detecting a water injection into liquid sodium by measuring the acoustic field radiated by the installation with microphones located far from the system. Such a method is very simple but may be easily disturbed by external acoustic sources. Moreover, it may be useful for detecting leaks of flow rate strong enough to come out of the background noise. In the 1980's, Greene et. al developed a beamforming passive vibro-acoustic method called GAAD to detect and locate a sodium-water reaction in a SGU of a sodium-cooled fast nuclear reactor [7][8][9]. In these papers, authors characterized with an experiment the performance of the localization and the detection time against the leak rate and the SGU power level. These papers show that ...