Superconducting technology makes it possible to build a high
energy e+e- linear collider with energy recovery (ERLC) and
reusable beams. To avoid parasitic collisions inside the linacs, a
twin (dual) LC is proposed. In this article, I consider the
principle scheme of the collider and estimate the achievable
luminosity, which is limited by collision effects and available
power. Such a collider can operate in a duty cycle (DC) and in a
continuous (CW) modes, if sufficient power. With current SC Nb
technology (T = 1.8 K, f
RF = 1.3 GHz, used for ILC) and with
power P = 100 MW, a luminosity L ∼ 0.33 × 1036 cm-2 s-1 is possible at the Higgs factory with
0 = 250 GeV. Using superconductors operating at 4.5 K with high
0 values, such as Nb3Sn, and f
RF = 0.65 GHz, the
luminosity can reach L ∼ 1.4 × 1036 cm-2 s-1 at 2EE0 = 250 GeV (with P = 100 MW) and L ∼ 0.8 × 1036 cm-2 s-1 at
0 = 500 GeV (with P = 150 MW), which is almost two
orders of magnitude greater than at the ILC, where the beams are
used only once. This technology requires additional efforts to
obtain the required parameters and reliably operation. Such a
collider would be the best machine for precision Higgs studies,
including the measurement of Higgs self-coupling.