11Partitioning of Ni, Co and V between Cr-rich spinels and basaltic melt has been studied experimentally between 1150 and 1325 12 8C, and at controlled oxygen fugacity from the Co-CoO buffer to slightly above the hematite-magnetite buffer. These new results, 13 together with new Ni, Co and V analyses of experimental run products from Leeman [Leeman, W.P., 1974. Experimental 14 determination of the partitioning of divalent cations between olivine and basaltic liquid, Pt. II. PhD thesis, Univ. Oregon, 231-15 337.], show that experimentally determined spinel-melt partition coefficients (D) are dependent upon temperature (T), oxygen 16 fugacity ( fO 2 ) and spinel composition. In particular, partition coefficients determined on doped systems are higher than those in 17 natural (undoped) systems, perhaps due to changing activity coefficients over the composition range defined by the experimental 18 data. Using our new results and published runs (n = 85), we obtain a multilinear regression equation that predicts experimental