A control-volume analysis of a hydraulic jump is used to obtain the mean vorticity downstream of the jump as a function of the Froude number. To do this it is necessary to include the conservation of angular momentum. The mean vorticity increases from zero as the cube of Froude number minus one, and, in dimensionless form, approaches a constant at large Froude number. Digital particle imaging velocimetry was applied to travelling hydraulic jumps giving centre-plane velocity field images at a frequency of 15 Hz over a Froude number range of 2-6. The mean vorticity determined from these images confirms the control-volume prediction to within the accuracy of the experiment. The flow field measurements show that a strong shear layer is formed at the toe of the wave, and extends almost horizontally downstream, separating from the free surface at the toe. Various vorticity generation mechanisms are discussed.
IntroductionAt sufficiently high Froude number, the flow downstream of a hydraulic jump is so obviously rotational that it can be seen with the naked eye. The mechanism of vorticity generation is, however, still controversial. There is, of course, a source of vorticity at the solid boundary below the bottom fluid. The sign of the vorticity generated there depends on whether this boundary is stationary relative to the jump or relative to the upstream lower fluid. This vorticity stays within the boundary layer, however, and is not the concern here. In a recent publication, Yeh (1991) discusses mechanisms of vorticity generation in a steady-flow hydraulic jump. Three contributions are identified: viscous shear at the interface between the two fluids, the baroclinic torque brought about by the static pressure gradient in the upper fluid, and the baroclinic torque brought about by the dynamic pressure gradient associated with a suitable velocity field in the upper fluid. The last of these is shown to dominate the other two and is proportional to the density ratio. It requires the vertical component of the pressure gradient in the upper fluid to be of opposite sign to that corresponding to the static gradient, so that a significant velocity field with prescribed features has to be present in the upper fluid. Since this velocity field will depend on whether the far-field upper fluid is at rest relative to the wave or relative to the upstream lower fluid, the vorticity generation would be different in these two cases.When the density ratio is very large, such as for an air/water interface, where it is approximately 1000, such a dependence on the motion of the tenuous upper fluid seems too sensitive. One might carry the argument to the extreme case of a t Permanent address: