Enhancement techniques can be applied to flat-plate liquid solar collectors towards more compact and efficient designs. Tube-side enhancement passive techniques can consist of adding additional devices which are incorporated into a smooth round tube (twisted tapes, wire coils), modifying the surface of a s mooth tube (corrugated and dimpled tubes) or making special tube geometries (internally finned tubes). For the typical operating flow rates in flat-plate solar collectors, the most suitable technique is inserted devices. Based on previous studies from the authors, wire coils were selected for enhancing heat transfer. This type of inserted device provides better results in laminar, transitional and low turbulence fluid flow regimes. To test the enhanced solar collector and compare with a standard one, an experimental side-by-side solar collector test bed was designed and constructed. The testing set up was fully designed following the requirements of EN12975-2 and allow us to accomplish performance tests under the same operating conditions (mass flow rate, inlet fluid temperature and weather conditions). In this work the preliminary results obtained are presented and the standardized efficiency curve is shown for both tested solar collectors. A relevant improvement of the efficiency has been reported and quantified through the useful power ratio between enhanced and standard solar collectors.