Cytosolic and nuclear androgen, estrogen and progesterone receptor content was measured in the groups of 11 prostatic carcinoma (PCA) and 32 benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) samples. All BPH cases were positive for the cytosolic progesterone (PRc) and estrogen receptor (ERc), whereas only 85% of cases (23/27) contained the androgen receptor (ARc). Only those five patients who received estrogen treatment in the PCA group had detectable ARc. PRc was present in all of the PCA cases, whereas ERc could be detected in only 82% (9/11) of cases. Cytosolic contents of all three steroid receptors, however, were higher in the PCA group. The level of nuclear steroid receptors, although present in fewer cases in both groups, was higher than the cytoplasmic receptors. The serum profile of estradiol, cortisol, and prolactin was normal in both groups, whereas LH, FSH, and progesterone levels were higher than in normal adults. Serum testosterone level was within normal range in the BPH group, but it was significantly below normal (P less than 0.005) in PCA patients.