1. 2 h after a single oral dose of 25 mg of buformin per normal rat, the blood glucose level was significantly lower when compared to the control group (78,9 4-1.4 rag/100 ml to 67.1 4-5.2 rag/100 ml, p < 0.05). The incubated diaphragms of these animals showed no differences with regard to glucose uptake, lactate produetion and glucose oxidation in comparison to the control.-2. When treated for 7 days with identical dosages of buformin the blood glucose level of the treated rats was lowered to a greater extent (80.5 4-3.7 rag/100 ml to 51.6 4-5.7 rag/100 ml, p < 0.01) and the incubated diaphragms showed a significantly increased glucose uptake, lactate production and decreased glucose oxidation.-3. As a result of these findings and supported by reports in literature it is suggested that the drug may accumulate in the skeletal muscle of normal rats.-4. No insulin potentiating effect could be detected.-5. With regard to previous reported results from our laboratory we suggest that bignanides may increase Cori cycle activity in the rat. tigung kiirzlich yon uns mitgeteilter Bcfunde aus in vivo-Untersuchungen an normalen l~atten, die ergaben, dal~ nach mehrt~giger oraler Vorbchandlung mit 25 mg Buformln der Einbau yon Radioglueose in das Zwerchfellglykogen und der Glykogengehalt selbst erh6ht waren, erschcint es mSglich, dab Biguanide im Skeletmuskel normaler I~atten die Aktivitiit des Cori Cyelus stimulieren.