ReseRvoiR and petRoleum engineeRing 39
№2accurate predictions of hydraulic parameters are essential for drilling operations. a comprehensive method of hydraulic parameter calculation is presented for a four-parameter rheological model. Based on the Rabinowitsch-mooney equation, the explicit equation between the wall shear stress and volumetric flow rate of this model for pipe was obtained. When modeled as a slot, the equation for annular flow is also obtained. a new generalized flow index and effective diameter for annular flow were defined through theoretical analysis based on metzner & Reed's study. the new generalized effective diameter accounts for the effects both of annulus geometry and fluid rheology. Based on the definition of Fanning friction factor, the general expression of generalized Reynolds number for both annulus and pipe were derived in view of the fact that the generalized flow index is non-constant. We show the calculation method for generalized flow index and a utility pressure losses calculation model. the predictions of this method have been compared with an extensive set of data from literature. the comparisons of pressure loss show excellent agreement over laminar and turbulent flow regimes.