The present work studies the flammability limits of combustible-diluent-air mixtures at 25°C and 1 atm pressure. The diluent species, considered in this study, were nitrogen and carbon dioxide. A factor called k FL was obtained from mass and energy conservation, this factor relates the flammability limit of a combustible-air mixture to that of a combustible-diluent-air mixture. The factor k FL varies with diluent concentration. Nevertheless, it was shown that an average value of this factor k () FL av can represent, with good accuracy, the variation of the flammability limits with diluent concentration. An empirical method to determine the flammability limits of combustible-diluent-air mixtures was developed. The method approximates k FL av by means of correlations. For the total set of experimental data, it was found that, for dilution with N 2 and CO 2 respectively: (a) at the LFL the Average of the relative errors (AARE) were 4.02% and 7.01%, the squared correlation coefficients (R 2) were 0.9833 and 0.9660; and (b) at the UFL the AAREs were 3.91% and 5.57%, the R 2 were 0.9920 and 0.9792. At the Fuel Inertization Point (FIP) there is an inert concentration above which the mixture is non-flammable. A method was developed to determine the diluent mole fraction in the combustible-inert mixture at the FIP. The AAREs of 0.82% and 1.95% were obtained for dilution with N 2 and CO 2 , respectively.