N-dudecane pilot-ignited lean-premixcd nnlurnl-gas combustion has heen invcstigulecl in a rapid compression-expansion machine. The aim or this study was to characterize the combustion spectral footprint : identify the main sources or na(ural luminosity, characterize the lcmpoml brightness evolution, and providc guidance for the evaluation of nmural lum inosity imaging acquisitions. Nutural luminosity spectra in the range of 280-610 nm were acquired, 1 D-rcsolvcd along the injector ax is, using an imuging spectrograph and intensified high-specd camera. Four significant contributions to lhe noiura l luminosity wcre idcntificd: Soot, OH* and CH* chemilumincsçcnce, as well as overlapping hrnadbaml chemilum incscence of C02*, CHO* and Cli iO• s pecies. The CH* chemiluminescence could be only dctccted nt ign ition and during the pilot-fuel combustion period. Similarly, iniliul OH*. and broadhand luminosity wcrc also detected at ignition. 1-lowevcr. this lum ino~ity .idditionally incnmscd lale in the cycle, when methane. cnrichcd wilh diluted pilot-fuel, lbrms an extensive burnl zone with close-to-stoichiomctry conditions. For the ignition delay dctcction, imnging of broadband luminosity hus 10 be recomrnended si ncc m ignition il shows a highel' 1-Lsc-rate thun the OH* chemiluminescence. 1t was shown llrnt. aller ignition, in dual-fuel combusti on. the coupling hetween the nalurnl luminosity and heat release-ratc is too wcak to extract usefül in formatio n. The natural llame luminosily originales !rom the emission or sevcral spccies emittîng i1, a wide range of wavclcnglhs. In spnrk-Îgnited premixed-comhustion cngines. several studies investigaled the llume and spark•plasma spcclra [ 1]. Within the varîety of combustion concepts fenturing auto-ignition. the spectral footprînl of non•sooting Homogcm:ous-Chargc Compression• Ignition (HCC I) is must thoroughly investigateagc 1