Through the use of an ultrashort (2 ps) optical probe, we have time resolved the propagation of an ionization wave into solid fused silica. This ionization wave results when a plasma is created by the intense irradiation of a solid target with a 2 ps laser pulse. We find that the velocity of the ionization wave is consistent with radiation driven thermal transport, exceeding the velocity expected from simple electron thermal conduction by nearly an order of magnitude. [S0031-9007(96)00542-X] PACS numbers: 52.50.Jm, 52.25.Fi, 52.40.Nk, 52.70.Kz Progress in understanding the interaction of intense, ultrashort laser pulses with plasmas has been quite dramatic in the previous decade [1]. This progress has been fueled by a desire to study plasma conditions at very high temperatures and electron densities, a condition made possible by the development of intense picosecond lasers which can rapidly heat a plasma before significant hydrodynamic expansion can take place [2]. Understanding of the physics behind energy transport mechanisms in these plasmas is central to these studies. This is not only because of the fundamental nature of these mechanisms to the understanding of plasma physics in general, but also because a clear picture of energy transport is required to fully understand the dynamics of ultrashort pulse x-ray generation [3], a very important application of short-pulse produced plasmas [4].One important ultrafast process driven by energy transport is the formation of an ionization wave that propagates with a supersonic velocity into the solid after the target surface has been heated by an intense short pulse [5]. This process has been studied previously at intensities of ,5 3 10 14 W͞cm 2 where the plasmas formed exhibited temperatures of 50 eV or less [6]. In these studies the velocity of the ionization wave was inferred from the Doppler shift exhibited by a probe beam reflected off the expanding ionization front within the cold fused silica substrate. This experiment found that the velocity of the ionization wave could be well explained by standard electron thermal conduction in this low intensity regime.In this Letter we report the first time resolved measurements of the spatial extent of an ionization wave produced with high intensity (up to 10 17 W͞cm 2 ) picosecond pulses. At this intensity we find that the velocity of the ionization wave cannot be explained by simple electron thermal conduction. We find that our measurements are, instead, consistent with radiative thermal conduction. The resulting velocity and depth of penetration of the radiatively driven ionization wave is 1 to 2 orders of magnitude greater than that observed at low intensity. Previous measurements of radiative transport effects have been largely composed of long pulse ͑ϳ1 ns͒ studies where the effects of radiative transport have been inferred by indirect means [7] or by direct measurement of radiative transport effects in thin foils [8,9] or foams [10] driven by a separate lasercreated x-ray source. In these experiments the drive...