Wax deposition is one of the important
flow assurance problems
in oil and gas production for both offshore and onshore fields. In
this study, we experimentally investigated the turbulent flow wax
deposition phenomena under single-phase turbulent flow conditions.
The experiments were conducted in a mini pilot-scale flow loop by
using Garden Banks condensate from the Gulf of Mexico. Condensate
velocities of 1.89, 2.83, 3.78, and 4.72 m/s and testing durations
of 2.67 h (2 h, 40 m), 8 h, 16 h, and 24 h were used for the deposition
test. The initial value of the Reynolds number, wall shear stress,
and heat-transfer coefficient corresponding to these four flow velocities
were in the ranges of 7300–19 000, 12–60 Pa,
and 1200–2900 W/(m2 K), respectively. Deposit thickness
data based on the mass and pressure drop measurements were obtained.
The deposit composition was analyzed by using high-temperature gas
chromatography (HTGC). The results revealed that more than 45% of
the total wax mass flux (from the bulk oil to the deposit interface)
contributed to the aging of the deposit. Solubility and heat- and
mass-transfer analogy methods were used to calculate the theoretical
lower and upper limits of the total wax mass flux, respectively. A
new method to calculate the ratio of aging wax mass flux to the total
wax mass flux directly from experimental data was developed. A new
concept on the superficial wax crystal aspect ratio was introduced.
It was found that the superficial wax crystal aspect ratio has an
abnormally decreasing trend, with respect to the deposit wax fraction.
The experimental wax mass flux was found to be significantly less
than the minimum theoretical limit. These findings of the abnormal
trend in the superficial wax crystal aspect ratio and the experimental
incoming wax mass flux are the indication of another factor, in addition
to the conventional diffusion–deposition, which impacts the
deposition behavior. The deposit composition and thickness data from
this study also increased the available paraffin deposition data,
which was very limited but required for a reliable deposition model