532.517.4 In [1, 2] the results of hot-wire measurements of spectral distributions corresponding to second-and third-order moments were reported. This paper deals with spectral distributions related to some fourth-order moments for pulsatory velocities of a turbulent flow.The measurements were taken in a developed turbulent flow in a straight tube of diameter 2R0 = 0.06 m. The Reynolds number Re calculated from the mean flow velocity and the tube diameter was equal to 3.47-104. The axial flow velocity was equal to 10 m/see, the kinematic viscosity coefficient u = 1.4.10 -5 m2/sec, and the friction velocity v. = 0.433 m/see. The unit and experimental method employed were described in [1][2][3][4][5].One of the goMs of this study was to verify whether or not an approximate similarity principle existed in the energy range of wavenumbers. This principle would provide a sufficiently universal representation of spectral distributions divided by the magnitudes of corresponding one-point moments by using wavenumbers normalized on an integrM correlation scale. As such a scale we chose an "isotropic" longitudinal integral scale A0 calculated from the local values of the energy of fluctuations and the rate of energy dissipation (see [6]).To evaluate the spectrum, the fast Fourier transform and the procedure described in [7] were used. The flow is described in more detail in [2]. Spectra E~z,rr(k) of differences between the two-point fourth-order moments and the corresponding products of the one-point second-order moments not increasing with the distance between the points have been measured, for example, (U**,rr) --(U2~)(U 2} [8, 9]. Velocity fluctuations are as follows: u, = Ul, Ur = U2, U~ = U3. The subscripts 1 and 2 in the spectra correspond to subscripts x and r respectively. Spectra of the moments, in which the two components of velocity fluctuations correspond to one point and the two components of velocity correspond to the other, have been considered. The distance between the points varied along the flow axis. The transition to wavenumbers was done according to Taylor's formula k = 2~f/(V~}, where (Vx/ is the local mean value of the longitudinal flow velocity, and f is the frequency, the dependence on which is determined experimentally.The correspondence of the spectra and moments is given in Table 1. The measured values of the onepoint fourth-order moments divided by v. 4 are shown in Table 2. The data for the second-and third-order moments were reported in [2].The fourth-order moments have been calculated from the spectral distributions. The values of the onepoint moments for the longitudinal velocity fluctuations measured with an x-shaped and a single-wire probes differ by around 6%. A comparison with the results reported in [10, 11] is shown in Table 3 for the excess coefficients 51 -3 = (u4)/(u21) 2 -3, 52 -3 and 5 3 --3. For [10] the superscripts correspond to Re = 8-104, the subscripts to 4.104 . The agreement is satisfactory.Moscow Physico-Technical Institute, Dolgoprudnyi Moscow Region 111700.