Solar cells whose breakdown current exceeds a certain limit cannot be used because such cells may thermally damage the module in case of unintentional reverse biasing by local shading (hot-spot problem [1]). In order to reduce the number of off-specification cells, the reason for the high reverse currents must be identified. The physical mechanisms leading to breakdown of reverse-biased p-n junctions are internal field emission (Zener effect) and impact ionization (avalanche effect). They exhibit a characteristic temperature dependence, which can be used for their identification: for internal field emission the current increases slightly with rising temperature due to band-gap lowering, but it decreases considerably for impact ionization due to increased phonon scattering. Moreover, multiplication of photo-generated carriers takes place only for avalanche breakdown [2]. Both mechanisms require a certain electric field strength, which normally is not reached in standard multicrystalline (mc) Si solar cells. According to that field strength, however, the breakdown voltage should be four times higher than observed in practice [3].In this letter, we present a systematic study of the breakdown mechanism in commercial, 156 × 156 mm 2 p-type base mc-Si solar cells. We employ special lock-in thermography (LIT) imaging techniques to identify the type of breakdown occurring at the hot spots, and various electron microscopy techniques to reveal the microscopic nature of the breakdown sites. The cells investigated were free from ohmic shunts. A typical reverse current-voltage characteristic is shown in Fig. 1, given for two different temperatures.At lower reverse voltages, only weak currents occur, which up to approximately -13 V increase only slightly (pre-breakdown). Beyond -13 V, however, a steep current increase is observed, which is typical for a hard breakdown. For the solar cells under investigation, the pre-breakdown current increases with temperature, whereas the hardbreakdown current decreases (for a given voltage). This indicates that in general, different breakdown mechanisms are involved, a fact which also other authors have observed, using electroluminescence (EL) at reverse bias [4].Lock-in thermography has been established as a standard technique for locating and characterizing leakage currents in solar cells [5]. For the investigation of breakdown currents we have recently proposed several LIT-based imaging techniques [6], performed either in the dark (DLIT) or under illumination (ILIT). In all these techniques, the -90° LIT signal, which can be interpreted quantitatively [7], is used. The temperature variation of the current at a given bias voltage is displayed by the Temperature-Coef-Multicrystalline silicon solar cells typically show hard breakdown beginning from about -13 V bias, which leads to the well-known hot-spot problem. Using special lock-in thermography techniques, hard breakdown has been found to occur in regions of avalanche multiplication. A systematic study of these regions by various electro...