T w o -P h a s e F lo w M o d e lin g andM e a s u re m e n ts in L o w -P re s s u re T u rb in e s -P art II: T u rb in e W e tn e s s M e a s u re m e n t and C o m p ariso n to C o m p u ta tio n a l F luid D y n a m ic s -P re d ic tio n s The correct computation o f steam subcooling, subsequent formation o f nuclei and finally droplet growth is the basic prerequisite fo r a quantitative assessment o f the wetness losses incurred in steam turbines due to thermal and inertial relaxation. The same basi cally applies fo r the prediction o f droplet deposition and the resulting threat o f erosion. Despite the fa ct that there are many computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-packages that can deal with real-gas effects in steam flows, the accurate and reliable prediction o f sub cooling, condensation, and wet steam flow in steam turbines using CFD is still a demand ing task. One reason fo r this is the lack o f validation data fo r turbines that can be used to assess the physical models applied. Experimental data from nozzle and cascade tests can be found in the open literature; however, these measurement results are only partly useful fo r validation purposes fo r a number o f reasons. With regard to steam turbine test data, there are some publications, yet always without any information about the turbine stage geometries. This publication is part o f a two-part paper; whereas Part I focuses on the numerical validation o f wet steam models by means o f condensing nozzle and cascade flows, the focus in this part lies on the comparison o f CFD results o f the turbine flow to experimental data at various load conditions. In order to assess the validity and reliability o f the experimental data, the method o f measurement is presented in detail and dis cussed. The comparison o f experimental and numerical results is used fo r a discussion about the challenges in both modeling and measuring steam turbine flows, presenting the current experience and knowledge at Institute o f Thermal Turbomachinery and Machin ery Laboratory (ITSM).