Although the theoretical framework supporting the use of non-extensive statistical theory for the study of chemical reaction kinetics and solid-state diffusive reactions is well established, direct evaluation of the parameters involved-such as the case of pair (d, e) appearing in the d-Arrhenius model-in the pertinent experimental data has yet to be generalized. This study proposes the use of ''d-Arrhenius log-log plots'' instead of Arrhenius semilog plots as a tool to determine the kinetic parameters of a reaction and their application to two different solid-state reactions obtained by DSC measurements in an Al-Fe-Si alloy. The paper goes on to show that the data obtained by DSC using the Arrhenius law generate a single k(T), whereas resorting to the Aquilanti-Mundim deformed Arrhenius model generates a set of (d, e) parameter pairs capable of reproducing the experimental data. Different (d, e) pairs generate different k(T) (d = 0, e = Q) corresponding to the Arrhenius pair. The effect of the different (d, e) pairs on the different functions related to the kinetics of the reaction is examined.Graphical Abstract AMDA graph showing linearity for different (d, e) pairs obtained from the precipitation reaction Guinier-Preston zones measured by DSC in an AA8011 commercial alloy (Superior) and Q activation energy for different pairs (bottom). The pair of Arrhenius (0, Q) in both graphs is represented by perpendicular and horizontal lines, respectively.