Calculations of heat transfer from high-temperature surfaces lead to the necessity of simultaneous allowance for the effects of different heat transfer mechanisms on the heat exchange characteristics. The role of radiative-convective heat transfer, when radiative, convective and conductive heat exchange occur simultaneously, is especially large. The complex heat transfer processes occur in this case in emission, absorption, and scattering of radiation by a liquid. However, under certain conditions the air is devoid of the indicated properties, and the effect of radiation should be taken into account only in the heat balance on the wall. If the wall has a constant temperature, the heat transfer for a nonabsorbing ambient is determined separately for radiating and convective components [7.1-7.3].During simultaneous action of free and forced convection, the Reynolds number Re and the criteria describing the geometry of the boundaries and the flow orientation relative to the gravitational field are also essential in addition to Pr and Gr numbers. Depending on the correlation between viscous, buoyant, and inertial forces it is possible to distinguish different liquid movement regimes and heat transfer conditions. For the large Gr and small Re numbers the effect of forced convection on heat transfer can be neglected. For the total action of free and forced convection the largest practical interest represents a laminar regime. The viscous regime corresponds to natural convection with a disturbing effect of forced motion, and, conversely, for turbulent motion the free convection has a little effect on motion and is a small value in the total thermal balance [7.4].
Effect of Radiation on Free-Convective Heat TransferThe heat flux q w generated by a wall is transferred away by the radiating component q r dependent on local temperature, and by the convective-conductive one q t . The wall is a gray diffusive radiator with the emissivity ε, and for the radiative component we can use the Stefan-Boltzmann law: