Polymer corrugated pipelines are a very promising type of construction that has many advantages over concrete and reinforced concrete structures that are widely used today for collecting and diverting surface runoff from residential areas and enterprise sites. To collect and divert surface runoff from residential areas and enterprise sites, the hydraulic characteristics of the drainage system made of corrugated polymer culverts of ACO Qmax are studied by computational and experimental methods. The experiments were carried out in the laboratory of Hydraulics and hydro-mechanics at different flow rates and different slopes. The kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the water flow in the pipeline were determined: the velocity, the roughness coefficient, and the hydraulic resistance coefficient were measured at different values of the pipeline filling. It is found that the characteristics of the water flow obtained by the computational method using a computer program differ from the experimental values, the reason for which, apparently, in the shortcomings of the computational program and the lack of accuracy of experimental measurements. Experimental studies were conducted to adjust the calculation methods of such pipelines used in the design and verification of hydraulic calculation methods of corrugated pipelines based on the software product ACO Qmax.