In our previous study (Goda et al.), we measured the void fraction α, pressure gradient dP/dz, and countercurrent flow limitation (i.e. relationship between superficial velocities, JG and JL) in vertical pipes (diameter D = 20 and 40 mm) under flooding conditions at the square bottom end and working fluids of air and water to obtain the wall friction factor fw and the interfacial friction factor fi based on the annular flow model. Measurements of α in vertical pipes under flooding conditions are few. In this study, therefore, we evaluated fi from the measured dP/dz under flooding at the square bottom end reported by Bharathan et al. with D = 6.4 to 152 mm and air-water and by Ilyukhin et al. with D = 20 mm and working fluids of steam and water at pressures of P = 0.6 to 4.1 MPa. As a result, we found that the fi values obtained from the measured dP/dz and the fw correlation by Goda et al. were well correlated in terms of the gas Kutateladze parameter KG * and the dimensionless diameter D *. The effect of fluid properties was expressed by a revision term with the viscosity ratio of gas and liquid phases (μG/μL).