“…To quantify the flame entrainment coefficient, Hu et al 29 established a generalized flame entrainment coefficient solution model, as follows:
where Q̇ * is the dimensionless heat release rate, Δ T z is the temperature rise at height z (°C), Δ T f is the temperature rise at the flame tip (°C), α is the entrainment coefficient, Z is the vertical height above the orifice (m), h is the flame height (m), and D is the orifice diameter (m).
where Q̇ * is the dimensionless heat release rate, Q̇ is the heat release rate (kW), the fuel effective heat of combustion is 40 MJ kg –1 , 45 ρ 0 is the ambient air density (kg/m 3 ), c 0 is the specific heat at constant pressure (kJ kg –1 K –1 ), T 0 is the ambient temperature (K), g is the gravitational acceleration (m/s 2 ), and D is the orifice diameter (m).…”