I. AbstractA computational model of bleed air anti-icing and electrothermal de-icing have been added to the LEWICE 2.0 1 software by integrating the capabilities of two previous programs, ANTICE 2 and LEWICE/ Thermal 3 . This combined model has been released as LEWICE version 2.2. Several advancements have also been added to the previous capabilities of each module. This report will present the capabilities of the software package and provide results for both bleed air and electrothermal cases. A comprehensive validation effort has also been performed to compare the predictions to an existing electrothermal database. A quantitative comparison shows that for deicing cases, the average difference is 9.4°F (26%) compared to 3°F for the experimental data while for evaporative cases the average difference is 2JOF (32%) compared to an experimental error of 4°F. Ii! Mass flux (kg/ m 2 s) ' Senior Member, AIAA.