The generalized dynamical theory of X-ray scattering by single crystals containing randomly distributed microdefects has been applied to characterize structural imperfections in the Czochralskigrown dislocation-free silicon sample annealed at 1080 C during 6 h. Measurements of rocking curves for 111 and 333 reflections of CuK a1 radiation have been performed by the high-resolution double-crystal diffractometer. The sizes and concentrations of oxygen precipitates and dislocation loops, which have been determined by independent fitting of the two rocking curves, are in good agreement confirming the validity of the developed theory.Obob §enna¾ dinamiqeska¾ teori¾ rasse¾ni¾ rentgenovskih luqej monokristallami, soderwa §imi sluqajno raspredelennye mikrodefekty, primenena dl¾ diagnostiki strukturnyh nesoverxenstv v obrazce bezdislokacionnogo kremni¾, vyra §ennogo metodom Qohral#skogo i otowwennogo pri 1080 C v teqenie 6 q. Izmereni¾ krivyh kaqani¾ dl¾ otrawenij 111 i 333 izluqeni¾ CuK a1 byli vypolneny na vysokorazrexaˇ §em dvuhk-ristal#nom difraktometre. Razmery i koncentracii precipitatov kisloroda i dislokacionnyh petel#, kotorye byli opredeleny putem nezavisimoj podgonki dvuh krivyh kaqani¾, nahod¾ts¾ v horoxem vzaimnom soglasii, podtverwdaˇ §em pravil#nost# razrabotannoj teorii.