Nowadays, because the number of wooden houses gradually increases and due to European regulations, a huge emphasis is put onto the aspects like energy saving and energy efficiency in family housing, which are the topic of a related ongoing research project. Hence, the paper is focused on comparing and streamlining the methods available to the engineering community in the fields of energy consumption and air-tightness measurements of buildings. The newly developed design methodologies and practical outputs of the completed research project are planned to be delivered directly to the related industry. The research project is also focused on the humidity and temperature control in wooden houses since wooden houses consist of timber structural elements, whose humidity and moisture may later cause some liability-related problems. To prevent these failures, it is necessary to investigate the quality of tools and methodologies, through which one might determine the values of humidity and temperature already within the design phase. Nevertheless, design is only one phase of the whole process; the other is the building-realisation phase. Therefore, the questions to answer are: Who is actually responsible for the failures caused by humidity and moisture? When does the water actually penetrate the structural elements? Is it in the factory or when the elements are transported or when the products are stored at the construction site? Keywords: moisture, wooden constructions, timber structures, energy consumption, Arduino, Raspberry Pi Dandanes se zaradi nara{~anja {tevila lesenih hi{ in tudi zaradi evropske regulative posve~a veliko pozornosti prihrankom pri energiji in energijski u~inkovitosti dru`inskih hi{, kar je tudi predmet predstavitve.^lanek je usmerjen na primerjavo in usmeritev metod, s katerimi razpolaga in`eniring na podro~ju porabe energije in meritev zrakotesnosti zgradb. Novo razvite metodologije na~rtovanja in prakti~ne re{itve iz raziskovalnih projektov bodo neposredno posredovane industriji. Raziskovalni projekt je usmerjen na kontrolo temperature in vlage v lesenih hi{ah, ker so lesene hi{e zgrajene iz lesenih strukturnih elementov pri katerih lahko vlaga povzro~i problem z zdr`ljivostjo. Za prepre~evanje takih po{kodb je potrebno preiskovati kvaliteto orodij in metodologij, s katerimi je mogo~e oceniti vsebnost tako vlage kot temperature, in sicer`e v sami fazi na~rtovanja. Na~rtovanje je samo ena od faz celotnega procesa, druga pa je faza gradbene realizacije. Vpra{anje na katerega je potrebno odgovoriti je: kdo je v resnici odgovoren za po{kodbe, ki jih povzro~i vlaga in tudi kdaj voda v resnici penetrira v gradbene elemente? Je to`e v tovarni, med transportom ali pa med shranjevanjem elementov na gradbi{~u?