Spectra of energy deposited in a solid state detector by heavy charged particles, which recoil in soft tissue, were obtained for incident monoenergetic neutrons of 15.09 MeV by a Monte Carlo calculation. The neutron source, phantom and detectors were all arranged as shown in Fig. 1. In the calculation, the lowest energy of charged particles to be registered was extended to 1 keV, and the spectra of them produced in tissue and the detector were obtaincd for nine positions. The results from 50,000 incident neutrons were compared with the corresponding experimental data. While deviations were found in most of the energy ranges, they wcre significant only in the interval from 2 to 6 MeV. The effect of the bias level energy of the detector was also estimated in order to check the applicability of the measurements ito dosimetry. The establishment of the bias level at an energy of 640 keV was found to give most of the total energy delivered to the detector by 15.09 MeV neutrons.