Exergy-energy analysis of the plate heat exchanger is experimentally performed with different Al 2 O 3 -MgO hybrid nanofluid (HyNf) as a hot fluid. There were six combinations of fluids, namely, deionized (DI) water, ethylene glycol-DI water brine (1:9 volume ratio), propylene glycol-DI water brine (1:9 volume ratio), base fluids and their respective Al 2 O 3 -MgO (4:1 particle volume ratio) HyNfs of 0.1% total volume concentration. The effects of different flow rates and hot inlet temperatures on the heat transfer rate, heat transfer coefficient, pump work, irreversibility, and performance index (PI) are investigated. It is witnessed that the heat transfer rate, heat transfer coefficient, pump work, and irreversibility enhances with the flow rate and nanoparticle suspension. While the PI declines with a rise in the flow rate, the heat transfer rate, heat transfer coefficient, PI, and irreversibility rise up maximum for MgO-alumina (1:4) DI water HyNf upto 11.8%, 31.7%, 11.1%, and 4.05%, respectively. The pump work enhances upto 1.6% for MgO-alumina (1:4)/EG-DI water (1:9) HyNf.
K E Y W O R D Sheat transfer coefficient, heat transfer rate, hybrid nanofluid, irreversibility, performance index, plate heat exchanger Abbreviations: Al 2 O 3 , aluminum oxide/alumina particles; CTAB, cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide; DI, deionized water; EG, ethylene glycol; HyNf, hybrid nanofluid; L/min, litre per minute; MgO, magnesium oxide/magnesia particles; MWCNT, multi-walled carbon nanotube particles; PG, propylene glycol; PHE, plate heat exchanger; PI, performance index; SiC, silicon carbide particles.