Accurate reaction cross sections of MgZ4(n, p)Na 24, Ti48(n, p)Sc 48, VSt(n, e)Sc 48, Cu6S(n, 2n)Cu 64, YSg(n, 2n)y88 and Agl~ 2n)Agt~ have been determined in order to normalize previous measurements of relative excitation functions. Neutrons were produced by the T(d, n)He 4 reaction, with 163 kev deuterons, at the cascade accelerator of the Institut fiir Radiumforschung und Kernphysik, Vienna. The samples were placed at angles between 50 ~ and 100 ~ relative to the deuteron beam direction, each sample being sandwiched by two aluminum foils. The cross sections were determined relative to the AlZT(n, c0Na z4 cross section, the absolute value of which is known very accurately. Selfshielding, scattering and drifts in neutron flux have been corrected for. Activities were counted in a 5 x 5" well type NaJ-detector the efficency of which had been absolutely calibrated to an accuracy of 0.3 to 0.1 ~ Because of the high accuracy achieved in the activity measurements, all cross sections could be determined almost as accurately as permitted by the errors of the standard cross section (1.2 %) and of the relative excitation functions (1 ~o), and thus resulting in a combined error (3a-error) of 1.7%. * Auszug aus der Dissertation fiber ,Pr~izisions-Aktivitfitsbestimmurlg mittels eines Bohrloch-Gamma-Spektrometers", Technische Universfigt Miinchen, 30.7. 1974.