As confidence in gas biofiltration efficacy grows, ever
more complex
malodorant and toxic molecules are ameliorated. In parallel, for many
countries, emission control legislation becomes increasingly stringent
to accommodate both public health and climate change imperatives.
Effective gas biofiltration in biofilters and biotrickling filters
depends on three key bioreactor variables: the support medium; gas
molecule solubilization; and the catabolic population. Organic and
inorganic support media, singly or in combination, have been employed
and their key criteria are considered by critical appraisal of one,
char. Catabolic species have included fungal and bacterial monocultures
and, to a lesser extent, microbial communities. In the absence of
organic support medium (soil, compost, sewage sludge, etc.) inoculum
provision, a targeted enrichment and isolation program must be undertaken
followed, possibly, by culture efficacy improvement. Microbial community
process enhancement can then be gained by comprehensive characterization
of the culturable and total populations. For all species, support
medium attachment is critical and this is considered prior to filtration
optimization by water content, pH, temperature, loadings, and nutrients
manipulation. Finally, to negate discharge of fungal spores, and/or
archaeal and/or bacterial cells, capture/destruction technologies
are required to enable exploitation of the mineralization product