PLASMA ANODIZATION 51on the exact role of the cathode in the plasma anodization process, rather than the current assumption in the literature that the cathode is needed just to produce the oxygen plasma and that any sputtering of cathode material is an unwanted side effect.
ABSTRACTTo study the mechanism of the spectral sensitization with the electrochemical cell ~-In/ZnO-single crystal/dye ~-electrolyte/Pt --measurements of the photocurrent influenced by salt additions to the electrolyte were performed. The ZnO-semiconductor-anode operates as a probe for excited states of dyes acting as sensitizer for the charge transfer through the interface zinc oxide/electrolyte. By addition of Br-, J-, SCN-, and SeCN-ions to the dye-containing electrolyte a significant increase of the sensitized photocurrent was generated. This enhancement can either be attributed to a change of the dye adsorption on zinc oxide or be explained by the fluorescence quenching of the adsorbed sensitizer in the presence of halide ions. With this quenching, radical anions F'--or excited triplet states ~F* of the dyes are produced which are responsible for the increase of the phot Ocurrent. The possible single steps of this reaction are discussed. * Electrochemical Society Active Member. Key words: dye sensitization, photosensitization, ZnO/electrolyte interface, electrochemical cell, reducing fluorescence quenching, dye adsorption. ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-05-30 to IP ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-05-30 to IP ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2015-05-30 to IP