A one-dimensional mathematical model was developed using the equations governing the ow and thermodynamics within a jet pump with a mixing region of constant cross-sectional area. The analysis is capable of handling two-phase ows and the resulting ow phenomena such as condensation shocks and the F abri limit on the secondary mass owrate. This work presents a technique for quickly achieving rst-approximation solutions for two-phase ejectors. The thermodynamic state of the working uid, R -134a for this analysis, is determined at key locations within the ejector. F rom these results, performance parameters are calculated and presented for varying inlet conditions. The F abri limit was found to limit the operational regime of the two-phase ejector because, in the two-phase region, the speed of sound may be orders of magnitude smaller than in a single-phase uid.
NOTATIONa speed of sound (m/s) A area (m 2 ) C p diffuser pressure recovery coef cient P e 7P i P o, i 7P i h speci c enthalpy (kJ/kg) m m mass owrate (kg/s) M M ach number P absolute pressure (kPa) s speci c entropy (kJ/kg K ) T absolute temperature (K ) V velocity (m/s) x quality r density (kg/m 3 ) F entrainment ratio