As a result of relevant policies and regulations, most wastewater treatment plants are faced with upgrading to further improve the level of effluent targets. To this end, this paper conducts an experimental study on deep denitrification in the sulfur Oyster shells mixotrophic nitrification filter process using sulfur as filler. During the experiments, when the water temperature in the mixotrophic pool was 15 °C, the nitrogen load of the inflow was 7.3 × 10 −3 kg/m 3 •d and HRT equaled to 3.5 h, the average TN concentration in the effluent is 3.42 mg/L, and the TN removal rate reaches 54.49%, which can stably meet the core control area standard in the "Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants in Daqing River Basin" (DB13/2795-2018) and are the best operating parameters during the experimental period. The test results show that oyster shells can provide a large amount of alkalinity, alleviating the pH drop in the water column and effectively mitigating the acidification of the water column. Based on experimental calculations, without considering the loss of packing material, the operating cost of the sulphur-mixed denitrification filter process is reduced by $ 0.191 per tonne of water compared with the existing deep treatment unit in the WWTP. The above results show that the sulphur mixer denitrification filter has the ability to degrade the secondary effluent TN in depth, which provides some experimental basis for the sulphur mixer denitrification filter to be used as a deep treatment unit.