Wave frequency focusing has been used in two-dimensional (2D) laboratory wave tanks to simulate very large waves at sea, by producing large energy concentration at one point of space and time. Here, three-dimensional (3D) frequency/directonal energy focusing is simulated in a fully nonlinear wave model (Numerical Wave T ank NWT), and shown to produce very large waves. This method alone, however, cannot explain why a n d h o w large waves occur in nature. Self-focusing, i.e., the slow growth of 3D disturbances in an initially regular wave train, is shown to also play a major role in the formation of \freak waves". Self-focusing is studied in a more e cient space-periodic nonlinear model, in which long term wave propagation can be simulated. The combination of directional/frequency focusing and self-focusing, and resulting characteristics of large waves produced, could be studied within the same NWT.
INTRODUCTIONThe existence of abnormally large waves at sea and the understanding of physical phenomena creating them have received increasing attention in recent years. Early reports by Mallory (1974) described a long series of naval accidents caused by unexpectedly large waves. Since then, many authors have g i v en a considerable attention to the study of large transient w aves, with the aim of understanding possible physical mechanisms determining when and how these are generated. The goal is to calculate kinematics and dynamics of such w ave events and, eventually, to provide models for better designing vessels and oshore structures. So far, a number of mechanisms have been proposed for the generation of such steep wave e v ents, but it seems that these are still poorly understood. The consensus, however, is that all of these mechanisms require to model nonlinear behavior of ocean waves.