Explorations by oil and gas companies have moved from shallow to deep water to satisfy consumers' changing needs. A circular-shaped cylinder structure placed in deep water is also known spar platform, is normally floated and subjected to severe conditions which cause unpleasant motions and fatigue damage to the structure. Wake oscillator model is considered a semi-empirical model that is most suitable for the evaluation of Vortexinduced Vibrations (VIV) structure features during the design stage. This work focuses on validation of wake oscillator model for VIV with previously semi-empirical method. Wake oscillator and structure oscillator models are coupled based on the Van der Pol Equation. The coupled models were evaluated and analytically validated. The results showed a qualitative and quantitative agreement with previous analytical, at the same maximum peak amplitude response, 0 = 0.22, with 1.2% percentage error . Meanwhile, experimental results from literature only showed a qualitative agreement but not in quantitative agreement. Analytical modelling may offer potential means for investigating VIV features and provide a fundamental analysis by using a cost saving but reliable method. Further works should be done to characterise the VIV and Vortex-induced Motions phenomenon for spar platform.