Funding informationAlexander von Humboldt Foundation.Models and full-scale statically determinate two-layer beams (TLBs) made of steel-fiber high-strength concrete (SFHSC) in the compression zone and normalstrength concrete (NSC) in the tensile zone have been tested by the authors. The present study is a further stage of these investigations, focused on testing a continuous, two-span TLB with optimal steel/fiber ratio as in the previous stages. This is the first experimental investigation of continuous TLBs (CTLBs). The study is aimed at testing the CTLB behavior under positive and negative bending moments in the span and above the middle support. An additional issue that is studied in the course of this work is the influence of bending moment redistribution on the behavior of a CTLB. As in the previous research stages, interaction of the concrete layers in a CTLB was studied to demonstrate the efficiency of such beams for real structures. No cracks between the SFHSC and NSC layers were observed up to the ultimate limit state of the tested beam, which demonstrates proper interaction between the layers. The results obtained in the present study enable the recommendation of CTLBs for practical application as effective and economical continuous bending elements.
K E Y W O R D Scontinuous two-layer beams, interaction between concrete layers, steel-fiber high-strength concrete
| INTRODUCTIONAs is known, the main drawback of simply supported reinforced concrete (RC) beams is the relatively large moments in the span, which leads to large deflections and extensive cracking. Moreover, in simple statically determinate RC structures there is no internal moment redistribution, so the section in which the moment is maximum determines the load-bearing capacity of the structure. A solution to this problem is the use of continuous (statically indeterminate) RC structures that allow reduction of the maximum moment and deflection. In continuous beams, the moments above the supports and those in the span are redistributed, permitting the use of typical longitudinal reinforcement.One of the first theoretical works on continuous RC beams was carried out by Gvozdev, 1 which was focused on the load-bearing capacity of such beams. According to this method, each of the beam bays is loaded and the corresponding load-bearing capacity for the loaded bay is found. An equation for the calculation of the external bending moment in a certain loaded bay was proposed. The problem was solved for a beam with constant section dimensions by maximizing the internal forces. In a more general form, the problem of maximization of the internal forces for continuous RC beams was recently solved theoretically. Two-layer high-performance RC beams can be used in the traffic (longitudinal) direction of long-span bridges. The beam section consists of two parts: a bottom part made of normal-strength concrete (NSC), and an upper one made of steel-fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete (HSC). Using two-layer beams (TLBs) is logical because, as the beam span beco...