Early application of the simple axisymmetric mirror, requiring intermediate performance between a neutron source for materials testing Q=P fusion /P input ~0.05 and pure fusion Q>10, are the hybrid applications. The Axisymmetric Mirror has attractive features as a driver for a fusion-fission hybrid system: geometrical simplicity, as well as the typical mirror features of inherently steady-state operation, and natural divertors in the form of end tanks. Operation at Q~0.7 allows for relatively low electron temperatures, in the range of 3 keV, for the DT injection energy ~ 80 keV from existing positive ion neutral beams designed for steady state. This level of physics performance has the virtue of being low risk with only modest R&D needed; and its simplicity promises economy advantages. A simple mirror with the plasma diameter of 1 m and mirror-to-mirror 2.5 T solenoid length of 40 m is discussed. Simple circular steady state superconducting coils at each end are based on 15 T technology development of the ITER central solenoid. Hybrids obtain important revenues from the sale of both electricity and fuel production or waste burning. Burning fission reactor wastes by fissioning transuranics in the hybrid will multiply fusion's neutron energy by a factor of ~10 or more and diminish the Q needed to overcome the cost of recirculating power for good economics to less than 2 and for minor actinides with multiplication over 50 to Q~0.2. Hybrids that produce fissile fuel with fissioning blankets might need Q<2 while suppressing fissioning might be the most economical application of fusion but will require Q>4.