The rate of ddµ muonic molecule resonant formation in dµ atom collision with a condensed deuterium target is expressed in terms of a single-particle response function. In particular, ddµ formation in solid deuterium at low pressures is considered. Numerical calculations of the rate in the case of fcc polycrystalline deuterium at 3 K have been performed using the isotropic Debye model of solid. It is shown that the energy-dependent ddµ formation rates in the solid differ strongly from those obtained for D 2 gaseous targets, even at high dµ kinetic energies. Monte Carlo neutron spectra from dd fusion in ddµ molecules have been obtained for solid targets with different concentrations of ortho-and para-deuterium. The recent experimental results performed in low pressure solid targets (statistical mixture of ortho-D 2 and para-D 2 ) are explained by the presence of strong recoilless resonance peaks in the vicinity of 2 meV and very slow deceleration of dµ atoms below 10 meV. A good agreement between the calculated and experimental spectra is achieved when a broadening of D 2 rovibrational levels in solid deuterium is taken into account. It has been shown that resonant ddµ formation with simultaneous phonon creation in solid gives only about 10% contribution to the fusion neutron yield. The neutron time spectra calculated for pure ortho-D 2 and para-D 2 targets are very similar. A practically constant value of the mean ddµ formation rate, observed for different experimental conditions, is ascribed to the fact that all the recent measurements have been performed at temperatures T 19 K, much lower than the target Debye temperature Θ D ≈ 110 K. In result, the formation rate, obtained in the limit T /Θ D ≪ 1, depends weakly on the temperature.