“…Some better known expert systems are used as diagnostic tools in the medical profession, such as INTERNIST and MYCIN (Hayes-Roth and others, 1983); for chemical analyses, such as DENDRAL (Hayes-Roth and others, 1983) and AAexpert (Lahiri and Stillman, 1992); and as exploration tools in mineral prospecting, such as PROS-PECTOR (Duda and others, 1981). Several prototype expert systems have been designed by the USGS for microcomputers, such as muPETROL (Miller, 1986(Miller, , 1987a(Miller, , b, 1991 for classification of sedimentary basins for petroleum assessment and an abbreviated version of PROSPECTOR, called muPROSPECTOR (McCammon, 1986(McCammon, , 1990.…”