Background: Automated laboratory analyzers that mass produce data have been linked to information systems for more than two decades, but little progress has been made in developing more comprehensible report forms. Results are still reported in computer-generated printouts containing hundreds of numbers crowded into columns on each printed page. Methods: We developed three software applications focusing on the graphic presentation of laboratory results. Results: The first application summarizes data for a patient with a monoclonal gammopathy. The report provides a cumulative graphic presentation of immunofixation/electrophoresis data without any additional interpretation, focuses on a color-coded electrophoresis scan, and records up to 5 years on a single page. The second application deals with cerebrospinal fluid analysis. The report calculates relevant data and graphs the complex relationship between albumin and immunoglobulin results from paired serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples. Manually added interpretive text assures an output comprehensible to clinicians in all specialties. The third application produces a report summarizing quantitatively measured urinary marker protein profiles. The report form is generated by a flexible, completely user-definable knowledge-based system. It calculates numerous ratios and formulae, supports reflex testing, supplies an automated interpretation, and generates a specific graphic signature pattern of the results (MDI LabLink proteinuria differentiation). Conclusions: Increased clinical demand for graphically oriented report forms 5 years after their introduction has provided evidence that these reports transfer complex laboratory data and results to the clinician more effectively. The highest (more than threefold) increase in demand has been for reports for urinary marker protein profiles that feature a largely self-explanatory graphic signature pattern.