“…It is surprising then, given this lifecycle emphasis, that there are nearly no explicit studies on the demise of fields (although some work considers processes of deinstitutionalization, such as the work of Oliver, 1992). Indeed, studies of fields over longer periods of time are scarce (for exceptions see Galvin, 2002;Leblibici et al, 1991;Scott, Ruef, Mendel, & Caronna, 2000;van Gestel & Hillebrand, 2011), and we could learn from studies on strategic failure (Baumard & Starbuck, 2005), and disappearing industries (Porac, Thomas, & Baden-Fuller, 2011). The duration of a study impacts how observations of field conditions are made; whether a field is analyzed as established, contested or (re)established may significantly depend on the amount of time that has passed.…”