Element-specific x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements at the Ru L 3 absorption edge are used to search for the presence of a net Ru ferromagnetic moment in the superconducting state of RuSr 2 Eu 1.5 Ce 0.5 Cu 2 O 10 . A net moment of 0.21 B / Ru is observed in zero applied field. Together with a homogeneous Ru local structure probed by x-ray absorption fine-structure measurements, the results unequivocally demonstrate the coexistence of a ferromagnetic component in the magnetically ordered RuO 2 planes with superconductivity in the CuO 2 planes.Rutheno-cuprate layered structures RuSr 2 RECu 2 O 8 ͑Ru-1212͒ and RuSr 2 RE 2 Cu 2 O 10 ͑Ru-1222͒ ͑RE= rare earth͒ have generated significant interest due to the reported presence in the ground state of concomitant long-range magnetic ordering ͑T M = 100-150 K͒ and high-temperature superconductivity ͑T c = 20-50 K͒ in alternating RuO 2 and CuO 2 planes, respectively. In particular, the possibility of magnetic ordering of the weak ferromagnetic ͑W-FM͒, 1 or ferromagnetic, 2 type as originally reported based on bulk magnetization measurements, generated additional excitement albeit with some skepticism. This is because the dipolar and exchange fields generated by a FM or W-FM RuO 2 layer in proximity to the CuO 2 layers could act as pair breakers or prevent singlet-pair formation altogether ͑T M Ͼ T c ͒, e.g., due to induced splitting of spin-up and spin-down conduction bands. Density functional theory 3 mitigated some of these concerns by showing that these dipolar and exchange fields are weak enough in Ru-1212 that singlet pairing can still occur in the CuO 2 layers, albeit with a modulated SC order parameter the nature of which depends on whether the Ru magnetization is parallel or perpendicular to the RuO 2 layers.More recently, efforts have been devoted to the understanding of phase purity, lattice distortions and the true nature of magnetic ordering in Ru-1212 and Ru-1222 structures. 4-8 Phase purity, in particular ruling out the presence of magnetic impurities with similar ordering temperature ͓such as SrRuO 3 ͑SRO͔͒, is important in order to support assertions of microscopic uniform coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity. Lattice distortions such as rotations of RuO 6 octahedra can affect the magnetic structure through spin-orbit coupling ͑e.g., Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions 9,10 ͒, antisymmetric exchange interactions, or single-ion anisotropy. As per the magnetic structure, both neutron diffraction and x-ray resonant magnetic scattering ͑XRMS͒ measurements have now determined that the magnetic ordering in zero applied field is of the antiferromagnetic ͑AFM͒ G type in the Ru-1212 phase ͑Ru moments antiparallel in all three crystallographic directions͒. However, the presence of a FM component within this magnetic structure, as originally implied from magnetization 1,2 and NMR ͑Ref. 11͒ data, was observed in only one 12 but no other 5,6 neutron-diffraction measurements, which set an upper limit of 0.1-0.3 B / Ru for such FM component. Furthermore...