We prove that, for X, Y , A and B matrices with entries in a non-commutative ring such that [X ij , Y kℓ ] = −A iℓ B kj , satisfying suitable commutation relations (in particular, X is a Manin matrix), the following identity holdsNotations: 0|, |0 , are respectively the bra and the ket of the ground state, a † and a the creation and annihilation operators of a quantum harmonic oscillator, whilē ψ i and ψ i are Grassmann variables in a Berezin integral. These results should be seen as a generalization of the classical Cauchy-Binet formula, in which A and B are null matrices, and of the non-commutative generalization, the Capelli identity, in which A and B are identity matrices and [X ij , X kℓ ] = [Y ij , Y kℓ ] = 0.2