In this paper we exhibit a one-parameter family of new Taub-NUT instantons parameterized by a half-line. The endpoint of the half-line will be the reducible Yang-Mills instanton corresponding to the Eguchi-Hanson-Gibbons L 2 harmonic 2-form, while at an inner point we recover the Pope-Yuille instanton constructed as a projection of the LeviCivitá connection onto the positive su(2) + ⊂ so(4) subalgebra. Our method imitates the Jackiw-Nohl-Rebbi construction originally designed for flat R 4 . That is we find a oneparameter family of harmonic functions on the Taub-NUT space with a point singularity, rescale the metric and project the obtained Levi-Civitá connection onto the other negative su(2) − ⊂ so(4) part. Our solutions will possess the full U (2) symmetry, and thus provide more solutions to the recently proposed U (2) symmetric ansatz of Kim and Yoon.