Consumers' brand-switching behavior, or the non-sustainability of consumer loyalty to a brand, brings huge losses to affected companies. Thus, the investigation of factors behind consumers' brand-switching is very important. The study analyzes the mechanism and configuration of brand-switching intention in order to provide guidelines for increasing brand competitiveness. Using empirical analysis (SEM) and qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), this study elucidates the motives and mechanisms in operation when customers decide whether to stay with a particular brand or switch to an alternative. The data was collected in August 2017. The results of SEM showed that the attractiveness of an alternate brand had a negative influence on current brand image recognition and brand value recognition, which could produce negative emotions that then lead to a brand-switching intention. The fsQCA uncovered six combinations or configurations of variables that could lead to brand-switching. This study has both theoretical and practical outcomes for competitive branding.Sustainability 2018, 10, 4685 2 of 13 for brand conversion intentions; however, most research has directly addressed the factors influencing brand-switching [4][5][6] rather than systematically analyzing the internal influencing mechanism and effective formation path of brand conversion intentions. To fill these gaps, our study utilized cognition theory in order to explore the mechanisms and configurations of brand-switching intention. Alternative attractiveness, negative brand image recognition, negative brand value recognition, negative brand emotion and website anxiety were included in this study in order to determine their mutual effects on the decision to stay with a particular brand or to switch to a new one.This paper is organized into specific sections. Following the introduction in Section 1, the theoretical background is discussed and a literature review is presented in Section 2; the research model and hypotheses are also considered. In Section 3, the research methodology, including measurement and data collection, is described, and in Section 4 the data is analyzed. Section 5 includes discussion and interpretation of the results, and the conclusions are summarized, offering some theoretical and practical implications. Lastly, this study considers the limitations and raises the prospect of future studies in Section 6.