A straightforward protocol for the preparation of the colorful and air-stable diphenyl ditelluride is described. In one laboratory session, students isolate their product and characterize it via melting point determination, mass spectrometry, and NMR spectroscopy ( 1 H, 13 C{ 1 H}, and 125 Te{ 1 H}). The alternative application of a Grignard reagent serves as a bridge between common organic laboratory experiences and this exercise. Students have the opportunity to see the advantages and disadvantages of the assortment of characterization techniques and, for MS and NMR, the distinctness of their application specifically to inorganic compounds. Analysis of single crystal X-ray diffraction data and molecular modeling results of Ph 2 Te 2 and its lighter congeners (Ph 2 E 2 , E = O−Se) provide students with a data-supported understanding of the inert pair effect.