We study the predictions for m top , tan β and V cb in a popular texture ansätze for the fermion mass matrices. We do this both for the Minimal Su-persymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) and for the simplest model (MSSM-BRpV) where a bilinear R-Parity violating term is added to the superpo-tential. We find that taking the experimental values for m top and V cb at 99% c.l. and the GUT relations h b = h τ and V 2 cb = h c /h t within 5%, the large tan β solution, characteristic in the MSSM with bottom-tau unification, becomes disallowed. In contrast the corresponding allowed region for the MSSM-BRpV is slightly larger. We also find that important modifications occur if we relax the texture conditions at the GUT scale. For example, if the GUT relations are imposed at 40%, the large tan β branch in the MSSM becomes fully allowed. In addition, in MSSM-BRpV the whole tan β − m top plane become allowed, finding unification at any value of tan β.