Abstract-In this tutorial, a unified treatment of the topic of near capacity multimedia communication systems is offered, where we focus our attention not only on source and channel coding but also on their iterative decoding and transmission schemes. There is a paucity of up-to-date surveys and review articles on the unified treatment of the topic of near capcity multimedia communication systems using iterative detection aided joint source-channel decoding employing sophisticated transmission techniques -even though there is a plethora of papers on both iterative detection and video telephony. Hence this paper aims to fill the related gap in the literature.Index Terms-Multimedia communications, H.264 video transmission, joint source-coding and channel coding, iterative detection, near-capacity wireless communications, EXIT charts, irregular channel codes, video standards.
ROBUST transmission of multimedia source coded streams over diverse wireless communication networks constitutes a challenging research topic [1,2]. Recent advances in the world of telecommunication and multimedia systems resulted in the design of improved transmission techniques. However, bearing in mind the volume of information produced by high definition multimedia communication systems and the limited availability of unoccupied bandwidth at carrier frequencies, where beneficial propagation conditions prevail, the design of efficient multimedia systems at low bit-rate requires careful attention. Hence the design of improved coding techniques is important for the successful implementation of various multimedia communication systems, in order to reduce the amount of information required for flawless interactive multimedia communications [1]. An overview of advances in the field of video coding is presented in Table I.The rest of the paper is organised as follows. A prelimenary introduction about H.264 video coding is provided in Section I-A followed by the details about our input source codec parameters in Section I-B. An overview of the iterative detection is provided in Section II. Section III portrays our employed video transmission scheme using Short Block Code (SBC) based iterative source-channel decoding. SBCs are used for achieving guaranteed convergence in soft-bit assisted iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding (JSCD), which facilitates improved iterative Unequal Source-Symbol Probability Aided (USSPA) operations. The schematic of the proposed SBC based iterative source-channel decoding arrangement is presented in Section III-A. Section II-A provides the details about the iterative source channel decoding aided receivers, followed by the introduction about EXIT charts in Section II-B. The iterative convergence analysis using SBCs is provided in Section III-B, followed by the proposed SBCs in Section III-C. The performance of the proposed system is characterised with the aid of EXIT chart analysis in Section III-D and Section III-E. Furthermore, the performance improvements of the proposed SBCs using ...